Source code for pygraphviz.agraph

A Python interface to Graphviz.

import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import warnings
from import MutableMapping
import tempfile
import io
import pathlib

from . import graphviz as gv
import contextlib


class PipeReader(threading.Thread):
    """Read and write pipes using threads."""

    def __init__(self, result, pipe):
        self.result = result
        self.pipe = pipe

    def run(self):
            while True:
                chunk =
                if not chunk:

class _Action:
    find, create = 0, 1

class DotError(ValueError):
    """Dot data parsing error"""

[docs] class AGraph: """Class for Graphviz agraph type. Example use >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G = pgv.AGraph(directed=True) >>> G = pgv.AGraph("") # doctest: +SKIP Graphviz graph keyword parameters are processed so you may add them like >>> G = pgv.AGraph(landscape="true", ranksep="0.1") or alternatively >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.graph_attr.update(landscape="true", ranksep="0.1") and >>> G.node_attr.update(color="red") >>> G.edge_attr.update(len="2.0", color="blue") See for a list of attributes. Keyword parameters: thing is a generic input type (filename, string, handle to pointer, dictionary of dictionaries). An attempt is made to automaticaly detect the type so you may write for example: >>> d = {"1": {"2": None}, "2": {"1": None, "3": None}, "3": {"2": None}} >>> A = pgv.AGraph(d) >>> s = A.to_string() >>> B = pgv.AGraph(s) >>> h = B.handle >>> C = pgv.AGraph(h) Parameters:: name: Name for the graph strict: True|False (True for simple graphs) directed: True|False data: Dictionary of dictionaries or dictionary of lists representing nodes or edges to load into initial graph string: String containing a dot format graph handle: Swig pointer to an agraph_t data structure """ def __init__( self, thing=None, filename=None, data=None, string=None, handle=None, name="", strict=True, directed=False, **attr, ): self.handle = None # assign first in case the __init__ bombs self._owns_handle = True # initialization can take no arguments (gives empty graph) or # a file name # a string of graphviz dot language # a swig pointer (handle) to a graph # a dict of dicts (or dict of lists) data structure self.has_layout = False # avoid creating members outside of init # backward compability filename = attr.pop("file", filename) # guess input type if specified as first (nonkeyword) argument if thing is not None: # can't specify first argument and also file,data,string,handle filename = None data = None string = None handle = None if isinstance(thing, dict): data = thing # a dictionary of dictionaries (or lists) elif hasattr(thing, "own"): # a Swig pointer - graph handle handle = thing elif isinstance(thing, str): pattern = re.compile(r"(strict)?\s*(graph|digraph).*{.*}\s*", re.DOTALL) if pattern.match(thing): string = thing # this is a dot format graph in a string else: filename = thing # assume this is a file name elif hasattr(thing, "open"): filename = thing # assume this is a file name (in a path obj) else: raise TypeError(f"Unrecognized input {thing}") if handle is not None: # if handle was specified, reference it self.handle = handle self._owns_handle = False elif filename is not None: # load new graph from file (creates self.handle) elif string is not None: # load new graph from string (creates self.handle) # get the charset from the string to properly encode it for # writing to the temporary file in from_string() match ='charset\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"', string) if match is not None: self.encoding = else: self.encoding = _DEFAULT_ENCODING self.from_string(string) else: # no handle, need to self.handle = None if self.handle is not None: # the handle was specified or created # get the encoding from the "charset" graph attribute item = gv.agget(self.handle, b"charset") if item is not None: self.encoding = ( item if type(item) is not bytes else item.decode("utf-8") ) else: self.encoding = _DEFAULT_ENCODING else: # no handle was specified or created # get encoding from the "charset" kwarg self.encoding = attr.get("charset", _DEFAULT_ENCODING) try: if name is None: name = "" # instantiate a new, empty graph self.handle = gv.agraphnew(name.encode(self.encoding), strict, directed) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"Graph name must be a string: {name}") # encoding is already set but if it was specified explicitly # as an attr, then set it explicitly for the graph if "charset" in attr: gv.agattr_label(self.handle, 0, "charset", self.encoding) # if data is specified, populate the newly created graph if data is not None: # load from dict of dicts or dict of lists for node in data: for nbr in data[node]: self.add_edge(node, nbr) self.add_nodes_from(data.keys()) # throw away the charset attribute, if one exists, # since we've already set it, and now it should not be changed if "charset" in attr: del attr["charset"] # assign any attributes specified through keywords self.graph_attr = Attribute(self.handle, 0) # graph attributes self.graph_attr.update(attr) # apply attributes passed to init self.node_attr = Attribute(self.handle, 1) # default node attributes self.edge_attr = Attribute(self.handle, 2) # default edge attribtes def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, ext_type, exc_value, traceback): pass def __str__(self): return self.string() def __repr__(self): if self.handle is None: return super().__repr__() if (name := gv.agnameof(self.handle)) is None: return f"<AGraph {self.handle}>" return f"<AGraph {name} {self.handle}>" def _svg_repr(self): return self.draw(format="svg").decode(self.encoding) def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None): if self.has_layout: repr_dict = {"image/svg+xml": self._svg_repr()} else: repr_dict = {"text/plain": self.__repr__()} return repr_dict def __eq__(self, other): # two graphs are equal if they have exact same nodes and edges # and attributes. This is not graph isomorphism. if sorted(self.nodes()) != sorted(other.nodes()): return False if sorted(self.edges()) != sorted(other.edges()): return False # check attributes self_all_nodes_attr = {n: n.attr.to_dict() for n in sorted(self.nodes_iter())} other_all_nodes_attr = {n: n.attr.to_dict() for n in sorted(other.nodes_iter())} if self_all_nodes_attr != other_all_nodes_attr: return False self_all_edges_attr = {e: e.attr.to_dict() for e in sorted(self.edges_iter())} other_all_edges_attr = {e: e.attr.to_dict() for e in sorted(other.edges_iter())} if self_all_edges_attr != other_all_edges_attr: return False # All checks pass. They are equal return True def __hash__(self): # include nodes and edges in hash # Could do attributes too, but hash should be fast return hash( ( tuple(sorted(self.nodes_iter())), tuple(sorted(self.edges_iter())), ) ) def __iter__(self): # provide "for n in G" return self.nodes_iter() def __contains__(self, n): # provide "n in G" return self.has_node(n) def __len__(self): return self.number_of_nodes() def __getitem__(self, n): # "G[n]" returns nodes attached to n return self.neighbors(n) # not implemented, but could be... # def __setitem__(self,u,v): # self.add_edge(u,v) def __del__(self): self._close_handle()
[docs] def get_name(self): name = gv.agnameof(self.handle) if name is not None: name = name.decode(self.encoding) return name
name = property(get_name)
[docs] def add_node(self, n, **attr): """Add a single node n. If n is not a string, conversion to a string will be attempted. String conversion will work if n has valid string representation (try str(n) if you are unsure). >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_node("a") >>> G.nodes() ['a'] >>> G.add_node(1) # will be converted to a string >>> G.nodes() ['a', '1'] Attributes can be added to nodes on creation or updated after creation (attribute values must be strings) >>> G.add_node(2, color="red") See for a list of attributes. Anonymous Graphviz nodes are currently not implemented. """ if not isinstance(n, str): n = str(n) n = n.encode(self.encoding) try: nh = gv.agnode(self.handle, n, _Action.find) except KeyError: nh = gv.agnode(self.handle, n, _Action.create) node = Node(self, nh=nh) node.attr.update(**attr)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nbunch, **attr): """Add nodes from a container nbunch. nbunch can be any iterable container such as a list or dictionary >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> nlist = ["a", "b", 1, "spam"] >>> G.add_nodes_from(nlist) >>> sorted(G.nodes()) ['1', 'a', 'b', 'spam'] Attributes can be added to nodes on creation or updated after creation >>> G.add_nodes_from(nlist, color="red") # set all nodes in nlist red """ for n in nbunch: self.add_node(n, **attr)
[docs] def remove_node(self, n): """Remove the single node n. Attempting to remove a node that isn't in the graph will produce an error. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_node("a") >>> G.remove_node("a") """ if not isinstance(n, str): n = str(n) n = n.encode(self.encoding) try: nh = gv.agnode(self.handle, n, _Action.find) gv.agdelnode(self.handle, nh) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Node {n.decode(self.encoding)} not in graph.")
delete_node = remove_node
[docs] def remove_nodes_from(self, nbunch): """Remove nodes from a container nbunch. nbunch can be any iterable container such as a list or dictionary >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> nlist = ["a", "b", 1, "spam"] >>> G.add_nodes_from(nlist) >>> G.remove_nodes_from(nlist) """ for n in nbunch: self.remove_node(n)
delete_nodes_from = remove_nodes_from
[docs] def nodes_iter(self): """Return an iterator over all the nodes in the graph. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over the nodes may produce unpredictable results. Use nodes() as an alternative. """ nh = gv.agfstnode(self.handle) while nh is not None: yield Node(self, nh=nh) try: nh = gv.agnxtnode(self.handle, nh) except StopIteration: return
iternodes = nodes_iter
[docs] def nodes(self): """Return a list of all nodes in the graph.""" return list(self.nodes_iter())
[docs] def number_of_nodes(self): """Return the number of nodes in the graph.""" return gv.agnnodes(self.handle)
[docs] def order(self): """Return the number of nodes in the graph.""" return self.number_of_nodes()
[docs] def has_node(self, n): """Return True if n is in the graph or False if not. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_node("a") >>> G.has_node("a") True >>> "a" in G # same as G.has_node('a') True """ try: node = Node(self, n) return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def get_node(self, n): """Return a node object (Node) corresponding to node n. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_node("a") >>> node = G.get_node("a") >>> print(node) a """ return Node(self, n)
[docs] def add_edge(self, u, v=None, key=None, **attr): """Add a single edge between nodes u and v. If the nodes u and v are not in the graph they will added. If u and v are not strings, conversion to a string will be attempted. String conversion will work if u and v have valid string representation (try str(u) if you are unsure). >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edge("a", "b") >>> G.edges() [('a', 'b')] The optional key argument allows assignment of a key to the edge. This is especially useful to distinguish between parallel edges in multi-edge graphs (strict=False). >>> G = pgv.AGraph(strict=False) >>> G.add_edge("a", "b", "first") >>> G.add_edge("a", "b", "second") >>> sorted(G.edges(keys=True)) [('a', 'b', 'first'), ('a', 'b', 'second')] Attributes can be added when edges are created or updated after creation >>> G.add_edge("a", "b", color="green") Attributes must be valid strings. See for a list of attributes. """ if v is None: (u, v) = u # no v given, assume u is an edge tuple try: uh = Node(self, u).handle except: self.add_node(u) uh = Node(self, u).handle try: vh = Node(self, v).handle except: self.add_node(v) vh = Node(self, v).handle if key is not None: if not isinstance(key, str): key = str(key) key = key.encode(self.encoding) try: # new eh = gv.agedge(self.handle, uh, vh, key, _Action.create) except KeyError: # for strict graph, or already added eh = gv.agedge(self.handle, uh, vh, key, _Action.find) e = Edge(self, eh=eh) e.attr.update(**attr)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, ebunch, **attr): """Add nodes to graph from a container ebunch. ebunch is a container of edges such as a list or dictionary. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> elist = [("a", "b"), ("b", "c")] >>> G.add_edges_from(elist) Attributes can be added when edges are created or updated after creation >>> G.add_edges_from(elist, color="green") """ for e in ebunch: self.add_edge(e, **attr)
[docs] def get_edge(self, u, v, key=None): """Return an edge object (Edge) corresponding to edge (u,v). >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edge("a", "b") >>> edge = G.get_edge("a", "b") >>> print(edge) ('a', 'b') With optional key argument will only get edge matching (u,v,key). """ return Edge(self, u, v, key)
[docs] def remove_edge(self, u, v=None, key=None): """Remove edge between nodes u and v from the graph. With optional key argument will only remove an edge matching (u,v,key). """ if v is None: (u, v) = u # no v given, assume u is an edge tuple e = Edge(self, u, v, key) try: gv.agdeledge(self.handle, e.handle) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Edge {u}-{v} not in graph.")
delete_edge = remove_edge
[docs] def remove_edges_from(self, ebunch): """Remove edges from ebunch (a container of edges).""" for e in ebunch: self.remove_edge(e)
delete_edges_from = remove_edges_from
[docs] def has_edge(self, u, v=None, key=None): """Return True an edge u-v is in the graph or False if not. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edge("a", "b") >>> G.has_edge("a", "b") True Optional key argument will restrict match to edges (u,v,key). """ if v is None: (u, v) = u # no v given, assume u is an edge tuple try: Edge(self, u, v, key) return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def edges(self, nbunch=None, keys=False): """Return list of edges in the graph. If the optional nbunch (container of nodes) only edges adjacent to nodes in nbunch will be returned. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edge("a", "b") >>> G.add_edge("c", "d") >>> print(sorted(G.edges())) [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')] >>> print(G.edges("a")) [('a', 'b')] """ return list(self.edges_iter(nbunch=nbunch, keys=keys))
[docs] def has_neighbor(self, u, v, key=None): """Return True if u has an edge to v or False if not. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edge("a", "b") >>> G.has_neighbor("a", "b") True Optional key argument will only find edges (u,v,key). """ return self.has_edge(u, v)
[docs] def neighbors_iter(self, n): """Return iterator over the nodes attached to n. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over node neighbors may produce unpredictable results. Use neighbors() as an alternative. """ n = Node(self, n) nh = n.handle eh = gv.agfstedge(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: (s, t) = Edge(self, eh=eh) if s == n: yield Node(self, t) else: yield Node(self, s) try: eh = gv.agnxtedge(self.handle, eh, nh) except StopIteration: return
[docs] def neighbors(self, n): """Return a list of the nodes attached to n.""" return list(self.neighbors_iter(n))
iterneighbors = neighbors_iter
[docs] def out_edges_iter(self, nbunch=None, keys=False): """Return iterator over out edges in the graph. If the optional nbunch (container of nodes) only out edges adjacent to nodes in nbunch will be returned. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over edges may produce unpredictable results. Use out_edges() as an alternative. """ if nbunch is None: # all nodes nh = gv.agfstnode(self.handle) while nh is not None: eh = gv.agfstout(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: e = Edge(self, eh=eh) if keys: yield (e[0], e[1], else: yield e try: eh = gv.agnxtout(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: break try: nh = gv.agnxtnode(self.handle, nh) except StopIteration: return elif nbunch in self: # if nbunch is a single node n = Node(self, nbunch) nh = n.handle eh = gv.agfstout(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: e = Edge(self, eh=eh) if keys: yield (e[0], e[1], else: yield e try: eh = gv.agnxtout(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: return else: # if nbunch is a sequence of nodes try: bunch = [n for n in nbunch if n in self] except TypeError: raise TypeError("nbunch is not a node or a sequence of nodes.") for n in nbunch: try: nh = Node(self, n).handle except KeyError: continue eh = gv.agfstout(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: e = Edge(self, eh=eh) if keys: yield (e[0], e[1], else: yield e try: eh = gv.agnxtout(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: break
iteroutedges = out_edges_iter
[docs] def in_edges_iter(self, nbunch=None, keys=False): """Return iterator over out edges in the graph. If the optional nbunch (container of nodes) only out edges adjacent to nodes in nbunch will be returned. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over edges may produce unpredictable results. Use in_edges() as an alternative. """ if nbunch is None: # all nodes nh = gv.agfstnode(self.handle) while nh is not None: eh = gv.agfstin(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: e = Edge(self, eh=eh) if keys: yield (e[0], e[1], else: yield e try: eh = gv.agnxtin(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: break try: nh = gv.agnxtnode(self.handle, nh) except StopIteration: return elif nbunch in self: # if nbunch is a single node n = Node(self, nbunch) nh = n.handle eh = gv.agfstin(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: e = Edge(self, eh=eh) if keys: yield (e[0], e[1], else: yield e try: eh = gv.agnxtin(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: break else: # if nbunch is a sequence of nodes try: bunch = [n for n in nbunch if n in self] except TypeError: raise TypeError("nbunch is not a node or a sequence of nodes.") for n in nbunch: try: nh = Node(self, n).handle except KeyError: continue eh = gv.agfstin(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: e = Edge(self, eh=eh) if keys: yield (e[0], e[1], else: yield e try: eh = gv.agnxtin(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: break
[docs] def edges_iter(self, nbunch=None, keys=False): """Return iterator over edges in the graph. If the optional nbunch (container of nodes) only edges adjacent to nodes in nbunch will be returned. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over edges may produce unpredictable results. Use edges() as an alternative. """ if nbunch is None: # all nodes for e in self.out_edges_iter(keys=keys): yield e elif nbunch in self: # only one node for e in self.out_edges_iter(nbunch, keys=keys): yield e for e in self.in_edges_iter(nbunch, keys=keys): if e != (nbunch, nbunch): yield e else: # a group of nodes used = set() for e in self.out_edges_iter(nbunch, keys=keys): yield e used.add(e) for e in self.in_edges_iter(nbunch, keys=keys): if e not in used: yield e
iterinedges = in_edges_iter iteredges = edges_iter
[docs] def out_edges(self, nbunch=None, keys=False): """Return list of out edges in the graph. If the optional nbunch (container of nodes) only out edges adjacent to nodes in nbunch will be returned. """ return list(self.out_edges_iter(nbunch=nbunch, keys=keys))
[docs] def in_edges(self, nbunch=None, keys=False): """Return list of in edges in the graph. If the optional nbunch (container of nodes) only in edges adjacent to nodes in nbunch will be returned. """ return list(self.in_edges_iter(nbunch=nbunch, keys=keys))
[docs] def predecessors_iter(self, n): """Return iterator over predecessor nodes of n. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over node predecessors may produce unpredictable results. Use predecessors() as an alternative. """ n = Node(self, n) nh = n.handle eh = gv.agfstin(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: (s, t) = Edge(self, eh=eh) if s == n: yield Node(self, t) else: yield Node(self, s) try: eh = gv.agnxtin(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: return
iterpred = predecessors_iter
[docs] def successors_iter(self, n): """Return iterator over successor nodes of n. Note: modifying the graph structure while iterating over node successors may produce unpredictable results. Use successors() as an alternative. """ n = Node(self, n) nh = n.handle eh = gv.agfstout(self.handle, nh) while eh is not None: (s, t) = Edge(self, eh=eh) if s == n: yield Node(self, t) else: yield Node(self, s) try: eh = gv.agnxtout(self.handle, eh) except StopIteration: return
itersucc = successors_iter
[docs] def successors(self, n): """Return list of successor nodes of n.""" return list(self.successors_iter(n))
[docs] def predecessors(self, n): """Return list of predecessor nodes of n.""" return list(self.predecessors_iter(n))
# digraph definitions out_neighbors = successors in_neighbors = predecessors
[docs] def degree_iter(self, nbunch=None, indeg=True, outdeg=True): """Return an iterator over the degree of the nodes given in nbunch container. Returns pairs of (node,degree). """ for n in self._prepare_nbunch(nbunch): yield (Node(self, n), gv.agdegree(self.handle, n.handle, indeg, outdeg))
[docs] def in_degree_iter(self, nbunch=None): """Return an iterator over the in-degree of the nodes given in nbunch container. Returns pairs of (node,degree). """ return self.degree_iter(nbunch, indeg=True, outdeg=False)
[docs] def out_degree_iter(self, nbunch=None): """Return an iterator over the out-degree of the nodes given in nbunch container. Returns pairs of (node,degree). """ return self.degree_iter(nbunch, indeg=False, outdeg=True)
iteroutdegree = out_degree_iter iterindegree = in_degree_iter
[docs] def out_degree(self, nbunch=None, with_labels=False): """Return the out-degree of nodes given in nbunch container. Using optional with_labels=True returns a dictionary keyed by node with value set to the degree. """ if with_labels: return dict(self.out_degree_iter(nbunch)) else: dlist = [d for n, d in self.out_degree_iter(nbunch)] if nbunch in self: return dlist[0] else: return dlist
[docs] def in_degree(self, nbunch=None, with_labels=False): """Return the in-degree of nodes given in nbunch container. Using optional with_labels=True returns a dictionary keyed by node with value set to the degree. """ if with_labels: return dict(self.in_degree_iter(nbunch)) else: dlist = [d for n, d in self.in_degree_iter(nbunch)] if nbunch in self: return dlist[0] else: return dlist
[docs] def reverse(self): """Return copy of directed graph with edge directions reversed.""" if self.directed: # new empty DiGraph H = self.__class__(strict=self.strict, directed=True, H.graph_attr.update(self.graph_attr) H.node_attr.update(self.node_attr) H.edge_attr.update(self.edge_attr) for n in self.nodes(): H.add_node(n) new_n = Node(H, n) new_n.attr.update(n.attr) for e in self.edges(): (u, v) = e H.add_edge(v, u) uv = H.get_edge(v, u) uv.attr.update(e.attr) return H else: return self
[docs] def degree(self, nbunch=None, with_labels=False): """Return the degree of nodes given in nbunch container. Using optional with_labels=True returns a dictionary keyed by node with value set to the degree. """ if with_labels: return dict(self.degree_iter(nbunch)) else: dlist = [d for n, d in self.degree_iter(nbunch)] if nbunch in self: return dlist[0] else: return dlist
iterdegree = degree_iter
[docs] def number_of_edges(self): """Return the number of edges in the graph.""" return gv.agnedges(self.handle)
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all nodes, edges, and attributes from the graph.""" self.remove_edges_from(self.edges()) self.remove_nodes_from(self.nodes()) # now "close" existing graph and create a new graph name = gv.agnameof(self.handle) strict = self.strict directed = self.directed self._close_handle() self.handle = gv.agraphnew(name, strict, directed) self._owns_handle = True self._update_handle_references()
[docs] def close(self): self._close_handle()
def _close_handle(self): # may be useful to clean up graphviz data # this should completely remove all of the existing graphviz data if self._owns_handle: if self.handle is not None: gv.agclose(self.handle) self.handle = None self._owns_handle = False else: self.handle = None
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the graph. Notes ===== Versions <=1.6 made a copy by writing and the reading a dot string. This version loads a new graph with nodes, edges and attributes. """ G = self.__class__( directed=self.is_directed(), strict=self.strict, ) for node in self.nodes(): G.add_node(node) G.get_node(node).attr.update(self.get_node(node).attr) for edge in self.edges(keys=True): G.add_edge(*edge) G.get_edge(*edge).attr.update(self.get_edge(*edge).attr) G.graph_attr.update(self.graph_attr) G.node_attr.update(self.node_attr) G.edge_attr.update(self.edge_attr) return G
[docs] def add_path(self, nlist): """Add the path of nodes given in nlist.""" fromv = nlist.pop(0) while len(nlist) > 0: tov = nlist.pop(0) self.add_edge(fromv, tov) fromv = tov
[docs] def add_cycle(self, nlist): """Add the cycle of nodes given in nlist.""" self.add_path(nlist + [nlist[0]])
def _prepare_nbunch(self, nbunch=None): # private function to build bunch from nbunch if nbunch is None: # include all nodes via iterator bunch = self.nodes_iter() elif nbunch in self: # if nbunch is a single node bunch = [Node(self, nbunch)] else: # if nbunch is a sequence of nodes try: # capture error for nonsequence/iterator entries. bunch = [Node(self, n) for n in nbunch if n in self] # bunch=(n for n in nbunch if n in self) # need python 2.4 except TypeError: raise TypeError("nbunch is not a node or a sequence of nodes.") return bunch
[docs] def add_subgraph(self, nbunch=None, name=None, **attr): """Return subgraph induced by nodes in nbunch.""" if name is not None: name = name.encode(self.encoding) try: handle = gv.agsubg(self.handle, name, _Action.create) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"Subgraph name must be a string: {name.decode(self.encoding)}" ) H = self.__class__( strict=self.strict, directed=self.directed, handle=handle, name=name, **attr ) if nbunch is None: return H # add induced subgraph on nodes in nbunch bunch = self._prepare_nbunch(nbunch) for n in bunch: node = Node(self, n) nh = gv.agsubnode(handle, node.handle, _Action.create) for u, v, k in self.edges(keys=True): if u in H and v in H: edge = Edge(self, u, v, k) eh = gv.agsubedge(handle, edge.handle, _Action.create) return H
[docs] def remove_subgraph(self, name): """Remove subgraph with given name.""" try: handle = gv.agsubg(self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding), _Action.find) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"Subgraph name must be a string: {name}") if handle is None: raise KeyError(f"Subgraph {name} not in graph.") gv.agdelsubg(self.handle, handle)
delete_subgraph = remove_subgraph subgraph = add_subgraph
[docs] def subgraph_parent(self, nbunch=None, name=None): """Return parent graph of subgraph or None if graph is root graph.""" handle = gv.agparent(self.handle) if handle is None: return None H = self.__class__( strict=self.strict, directed=self.directed, handle=handle, name=name ) return H
[docs] def subgraph_root(self, nbunch=None, name=None): """Return root graph of subgraph or None if graph is root graph.""" handle = gv.agroot(self.handle) if handle is None: return None H = self.__class__( strict=self.strict, directed=self.directed, handle=handle, name=name ) return H
[docs] def get_subgraph(self, name): """Return existing subgraph with specified name or None if it doesn't exist. """ try: handle = gv.agsubg(self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding), _Action.find) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"Subgraph name must be a string: {name}") if handle is None: return None H = self.__class__(strict=self.strict, directed=self.directed, handle=handle) return H
[docs] def subgraphs_iter(self): """Iterator over subgraphs.""" handle = gv.agfstsubg(self.handle) while handle is not None: yield self.__class__( strict=self.strict, directed=self.directed, handle=handle ) try: handle = gv.agnxtsubg(handle) except StopIteration: return
[docs] def subgraphs(self): """Return a list of all subgraphs in the graph.""" return list(self.subgraphs_iter())
# directed, undirected tests and conversions
[docs] def is_strict(self): """Return True if graph is strict or False if not. Strict graphs do not allow parallel edges or self loops. """ return gv.agisstrict(self.handle) == 1
strict = property(is_strict)
[docs] def is_directed(self): """Return True if graph is directed or False if not.""" return gv.agisdirected(self.handle) == 1
directed = property(is_directed)
[docs] def is_undirected(self): """Return True if graph is undirected or False if not.""" return gv.agisundirected(self.handle) == 1
[docs] def to_undirected(self): """Return undirected copy of graph.""" if not self.directed: return self.copy() else: U = AGraph(strict=self.strict) U.graph_attr.update(self.graph_attr) U.node_attr.update(self.node_attr) U.edge_attr.update(self.edge_attr) for n in self.nodes(): U.add_node(n) new_n = Node(U, n) new_n.attr.update(n.attr) for e in self.edges(): (u, v) = e U.add_edge(u, v) uv = U.get_edge(u, v) uv.attr.update(e.attr) return U
[docs] def to_directed(self, **kwds): """Return directed copy of graph. Each undirected edge u-v is represented as two directed edges u->v and v->u. """ if not self.directed: D = AGraph(strict=self.strict, directed=True) D.graph_attr.update(self.graph_attr) D.node_attr.update(self.node_attr) D.edge_attr.update(self.edge_attr) for n in self.nodes(): D.add_node(n) new_n = Node(D, n) new_n.attr.update(n.attr) for e in self.edges(): (u, v) = e D.add_edge(u, v) D.add_edge(v, u) uv = D.get_edge(u, v) vu = D.get_edge(v, u) uv.attr.update(e.attr) uv.attr.update(e.attr) vu.attr.update(e.attr) return D else: return self.copy()
# io
[docs] def read(self, path): """Read graph from dot format file on path. path can be a file name or file handle use::"") """ fh = self._get_fh(path) try: self._close_handle() try: self.handle = gv.agread(fh, None) except ValueError: raise DotError("Invalid Input") else: self._owns_handle = True self._update_handle_references() except OSError: print("IO error reading file") finally: if hasattr(fh, "close") and not hasattr(path, "write"): fh.close()
[docs] def write(self, path=None): """Write graph in dot format to file on path. path can be a file name or file handle use:: G.write("") """ if path is None: path = sys.stdout fh = self._get_fh(path, "w") # NOTE: TemporaryFile objects are not instances of IOBase on windows. if not isinstance(fh, io.IOBase | tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper): raise TypeError(f"{fh} is not a file handle") try: gv.agwrite(self.handle, fh) except OSError: print("IO error writing file") finally: if hasattr(fh, "close") and not hasattr(path, "write"): fh.close()
[docs] def string_nop(self): """Return a string (unicode) representation of graph in dot format.""" # this will fail for graphviz-2.8 because of a broken nop # so use tempfile version below return self.draw(format="dot", prog="nop").decode(self.encoding)
[docs] def to_string(self): """Return a string representation of graph in dot format. `to_string()` uses "agwrite" to produce "dot" format w/o rendering. The function `string_nop()` layouts with "nop" and renders to "dot". """ fh = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self.write(fh) data = fh.close() return data.decode(self.encoding)
[docs] def string(self): """Return a string (unicode) representation of graph in dot format.""" return self.to_string()
# return self.string_nop()
[docs] def from_string(self, string): """Load a graph from a string in dot format. Overwrites any existing graph. To make a new graph from a string use >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> s = "digraph {1 -> 2}" >>> A = pgv.AGraph() >>> t = A.from_string(s) >>> A = pgv.AGraph(string=s) # specify s is a string >>> A = pgv.AGraph(s) # s assumed to be a string during initialization """ # allow either unicode or encoded string with contextlib.suppress(UnicodeEncodeError, AttributeError): string = string.decode(self.encoding) from tempfile import TemporaryFile with TemporaryFile() as fh: fh.write(string.encode(self.encoding)) return self
def _get_prog(self, prog): # private: get path of graphviz program # NOTE: The `progs` set should only contain graphviz functions for # for which there is no library interface. # For example, the layout functions (e.g. `neato`) are called via # gvLayout and should not be included here. progs = { "gc", "acyclic", "gvpr", "gvcolor", "ccomps", "sccmap", "tred", "unflatten", } if prog not in progs: raise ValueError(f"Program {prog} is not one of: {', '.join(progs)}.") try: # user must pick one of the graphviz programs... runprog = self._which(prog) except: raise ValueError(f"Program {prog} not found in path.") return runprog def _run_prog(self, prog="nop", args=""): """Apply graphviz program to graph and return the result as a string. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> A = pgv.AGraph() >>> s = A._run_prog() # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = A._run_prog(prog="acyclic") # doctest: +SKIP Use keyword args to add additional arguments to graphviz programs. """ runprog = rf'"{self._get_prog(prog)}"' cmd = " ".join([runprog, args]) dotargs = shlex.split(cmd) popen_kwargs = {} if hasattr(subprocess, "CREATE_NO_WINDOW"): # Only on Windows OS popen_kwargs.update(creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW) p = subprocess.Popen( dotargs, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=False, **popen_kwargs, ) (child_stdin, child_stdout, child_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr) # Use threading to avoid blocking data = [] errors = [] threads = [PipeReader(data, child_stdout), PipeReader(errors, child_stderr)] for t in threads: t.start() self.write(child_stdin) child_stdin.close() for t in threads: t.join() p.wait() if not data: raise OSError(b"".join(errors).decode(self.encoding)) if len(errors) > 0: warnings.warn(b"".join(errors).decode(self.encoding), RuntimeWarning) return b"".join(data)
[docs] def unflatten(self, args=""): """Adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> A = pgv.AGraph() >>> A_unflattened = A.unflatten("-f -l 3") >>> A.unflatten("-f -l 1").layout() Use keyword args to add additional arguments to graphviz programs. """ data = self._run_prog("unflatten", args) self.from_string(data) return self
[docs] def tred(self, args="", copy=False): """Transitive reduction of graph. Modifies existing graph. To create a new graph use >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> A = pgv.AGraph(directed=True) >>> B = A.tred(copy=True) # doctest: +SKIP See the graphviz "tred" program for details of the algorithm. """ if not self.directed: raise TypeError("tred requires a directed graph") data = self._run_prog("tred", args) if copy: return self.__class__(string=data.decode(self.encoding)) else: return self.from_string(data)
[docs] def acyclic(self, args="", copy=False): """Reverse sufficient edges in digraph to make graph acyclic. Modifies existing graph. To create a new graph use >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> A = pgv.AGraph(directed=True) >>> B = A.acyclic(copy=True) # doctest: +SKIP See the graphviz "acyclic" program for details of the algorithm. """ if not self.directed: raise TypeError("acyclic requires a directed graph") data = self._run_prog("acyclic", args) if copy: return self.__class__(string=data.decode(self.encoding)) else: return self.from_string(data)
[docs] def layout(self, prog="neato", args=""): """Assign positions to nodes in graph. .. caution:: EXPERIMENTAL This version of the layout command uses libgvc for layout instead of command line GraphViz tools like in versions <1.6 and the default. Optional prog=['neato'|'dot'|'twopi'|'circo'|'fdp'|'nop'] will use specified graphviz layout method. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> A = pgv.AGraph() >>> A.add_edge(1, 2) >>> A.layout() >>> A.layout(prog="neato", args="-Nshape=box -Efontsize=8") Use keyword args to add additional arguments to graphviz programs. The layout might take a long time on large graphs. Note: attaching positions in the AGraph usually doesn't affect the next rendering. The positions are recomputed. But if you use prog="nop" when rendering, it will take node positions from the AGraph attributes. If you use prog="nop2" it will take node and edge positions from the AGraph when rendering. """ _, prog = self._manually_parse_args(args, None, prog) # convert input strings to type bytes (encode it) if isinstance(prog, str): prog = prog.encode(self.encoding) gvc = gv.gvContext() retval = gv.gvLayout(gvc, self.handle, prog) # gvLayout returns -1 if `prog` is not a valid program. # TODO: Check other possible return values from gvLayout # TODO: Catch/suppress msg on stderr from graphviz if retval == -1: raise ValueError(f"Program {prog} is not a valid layout program.") gv.gvRender(gvc, self.handle, format=b"dot") gv.gvFreeLayout(gvc, self.handle) gv.gvFreeContext(gvc) self.has_layout = True return
[docs] def draw(self, path=None, format=None, prog=None, args=""): """Output graph to path in specified format. .. caution:: EXPERIMENTAL This version of the draw command uses libgvc for drawing instead of command line GraphViz tools like in versions <1.6 and the default. An attempt will be made to guess the output format based on the file extension of `path`. If that fails, then the `format` parameter will be used. Note, if `path` is a file object returned by a call to os.fdopen(), then the method for discovering the format will not work. In such cases, one should explicitly set the `format` parameter; otherwise, it will default to 'dot'. If path is None, the result is returned as a Bytes object. Formats (not all may be available on every system depending on how Graphviz was built) 'canon', 'cmap', 'cmapx', 'cmapx_np', 'dia', 'dot', 'fig', 'gd', 'gd2', 'gif', 'hpgl', 'imap', 'imap_np', 'ismap', 'jpe', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'mif', 'mp', 'pcl', 'pdf', 'pic', 'plain', 'plain-ext', 'png', 'ps', 'ps2', 'svg', 'svgz', 'vml', 'vmlz', 'vrml', 'vtx', 'wbmp', 'xdot', 'xlib' If prog is not specified and the graph has positions (see layout()) then no additional graph positioning will be performed. Optional prog=['neato'|'dot'|'twopi'|'circo'|'fdp'|'nop'] will use specified graphviz layout method. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 3)]) >>> G.layout() # use current node positions, output pdf in 'file.pdf' >>> G.draw("file.pdf") # use dot to position, output png in 'file' >>> G.draw("file", format="png", prog="dot") # use keyword 'args' to pass additional arguments to graphviz >>> G.draw("test.pdf", prog="twopi", args="-Gepsilon=1") >>> G.draw("test2.pdf", args="-Nshape=box -Edir=forward -Ecolor=red ") The layout might take a long time on large graphs. """ # try to guess format from extension if format is None and path is not None: p = path # in case we got a file handle get its name instead if not isinstance(p, str): p = format = os.path.splitext(p)[-1].lower()[1:] if format is None or format == "": format = "dot" if prog is None: if self.has_layout: prog = "neato" args += " -n2" else: msg = """Graph has no layout information, see layout() or specify prog={}.""".format( "|".join(["neato", "dot", "twopi", "circo", "fdp", "nop"]) ) raise AttributeError(msg) else: if self.number_of_nodes() > 1000: sys.stderr.write( f"Warning: graph has {self.number_of_nodes()} nodes...layout may take a long time.\n" ) # process args format, prog = self._manually_parse_args(args, format, prog) # convert input strings to type bytes (encode it) if isinstance(format, str): format = format.encode(self.encoding) if isinstance(prog, str): prog = prog.encode(self.encoding) # Start the drawing gvc = gv.gvContext() G = self.handle # Layout err = gv.gvLayout(gvc, G, prog) if err: if err != -1: raise ValueError("Graphviz raised a layout error.") prog = prog.decode(self.encoding) raise ValueError(f"Can't find prog={prog} in this graphviz installation") # Render if path is None: out = gv.gvRenderData(gvc, G, format) if out[0]: raise ValueError(f"Graphviz Error creating dot representation:{out[0]}") err, dot_string = out gv.gvFreeLayout(gvc, G) gv.gvFreeContext(gvc) return dot_string # path is string holding the filename, a file handle, or pathlib.Path fh = self._get_fh(path, "wb") err = gv.gvRender(gvc, G, format, fh) if err: raise ValueError("Graphviz raised a render error. Maybe bad format?") if isinstance(path, str): fh.close() gv.gvFreeLayout(gvc, G) gv.gvFreeContext(gvc)
# some private helper functions def _manually_parse_args(self, args, format=None, prog=None): """Experimental code to parse args relevant for libgvc drawing and layout""" arg_list = shlex.split(args) for arg in arg_list: value = arg[2:] if arg[:2] == "-T": if format and format != value: raise ValueError("format doesnt match in args and format inputs") format = value if arg[:2] == "-K": if prog and prog != value: prog = value # raise ValueError("prog doesnt match in args and prog inputs") prog = value if arg[:2] == "-G": key, val = value.split("=") self.graph_attr[key] = val if arg[:2] == "-N": key, val = value.split("=") self.node_attr[key] = val if arg[:2] == "-E": key, val = value.split("=") self.edge_attr[key] = val return format, prog def _get_fh(self, path, mode="r"): """Return a file handle for given path. Path can be a string, pathlib.Path, or a file handle. Attempt to uncompress/compress files ending in '.gz' and '.bz2'. """ import os if isinstance(path, str): if path.endswith(".gz"): # import gzip # fh =,mode=mode) # doesn't return real fh fh = os.popen("gzcat " + path) # probably not portable elif path.endswith(".bz2"): # import bz2 # fh = bz2.BZ2File(path,mode=mode) # doesn't return real fh fh = os.popen("bzcat " + path) # probably not portable else: fh = open(path, mode=mode) elif hasattr(path, "write"): # Note, mode of file handle is unchanged. fh = path elif hasattr(path, "open"): fh = else: raise TypeError("path must be a string, path, or file handle.") return fh def _which(self, name): """Searches for name in exec path and returns full path""" import glob import platform if platform.system() == "Windows": name += ".exe" paths = os.environ["PATH"] for path in paths.split(os.pathsep): match = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, name)) if match: return match[0] raise ValueError(f"No prog {name} in path.") def _update_handle_references(self): try: self.graph_attr.handle = self.handle self.node_attr.handle = self.handle self.edge_attr.handle = self.handle except AttributeError: pass # ignore as likely still in __init__()
class Node(str): """Node object based on unicode. If G is a graph >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() then >>> G.add_node(1) will create a node object labeled by the string "1". To get the object use >>> node = pgv.Node(G, 1) or >>> node = G.get_node(1) The node object is derived from a string and can be manipulated as such. Each node has attributes that can be directly accessed through the attr dictionary: >>> node.attr["color"] = "red" """ def __new__(self, graph, name=None, nh=None): if nh is not None: n = super().__new__(self, gv.agnameof(nh), graph.encoding) else: n = super().__new__(self, name) try: nh = gv.agnode(graph.handle, n.encode(graph.encoding), _Action.find) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Node {n} not in graph.") n.ghandle = graph.handle n.attr = ItemAttribute(nh, 1) n.handle = nh n.encoding = graph.encoding return n def get_handle(self): """Return pointer to graphviz node object.""" return gv.agnode(self.ghandle, self.encode(self.encoding), _Action.find) # handle=property(get_handle) def get_name(self): name = gv.agnameof(self.handle) if name is not None: name = name.decode(self.encoding) return name name = property(get_name) class Edge(tuple): """Edge object based on tuple. If G is a graph >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() then >>> G.add_edge(1, 2) will add the edge 1-2 to the graph. >>> edge = pgv.Edge(G, 1, 2) or >>> edge = G.get_edge(1, 2) will get the edge object. An optional key can be used >>> G.add_edge(2, 3, "spam") >>> edge = pgv.Edge(G, 2, 3, "spam") The edge is represented as a tuple (u,v) or (u,v,key) and can be manipulated as such. Each edge has attributes that can be directly accessed through the attr dictionary: >>> edge.attr["color"] = "red" """ def __new__(self, graph, source=None, target=None, key=None, eh=None): # edge handle given, reconstruct node object if eh is not None: (source, target) = (gv.agtail(eh), gv.aghead(eh)) s = Node(graph, nh=source) t = Node(graph, nh=target) # no edge handle, search for edge and construct object else: s = Node(graph, source) t = Node(graph, target) if key is not None: if not isinstance(key, str): key = str(key) key = key.encode(graph.encoding) try: eh = gv.agedge(graph.handle, s.handle, t.handle, key, _Action.find) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Edge {source}-{target} not in graph.") tp = tuple.__new__(self, (s, t)) tp.ghandle = graph.handle tp.handle = eh tp.attr = ItemAttribute(eh, 3) tp.encoding = graph.encoding return tp def get_name(self): name = gv.agnameof(self.handle) if name is not None: name = name.decode(self.encoding) return name name = property(get_name) key = property(get_name) class Attribute(MutableMapping): """Default attributes for graphs. Assigned on initialization of AGraph class. and manipulated through the class data. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() # initialize, G.graph_attr, G.node_attr, G.edge_attr >>> G.graph_attr["splines"] = "true" >>> G.node_attr["shape"] = "circle" >>> G.edge_attr["color"] = "red" See for a list of all attributes. """ # use for graph, node, and edge default attributes # atype:graph=0, node=1,edge=3 def __init__(self, handle, atype): self.handle = handle self.type = atype # get the encoding ghandle = gv.agraphof(handle) root_handle = gv.agroot(ghandle) # get root graph try: item = gv.agattrdefval(gv.agattr(root_handle, 0, b"charset", None)) self.encoding = item if type(item) is not bytes else item.decode("utf-8") except KeyError: self.encoding = _DEFAULT_ENCODING def __setitem__(self, name, value): if name == "charset" and self.type == 0: raise ValueError("Graph charset is immutable!") if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) ghandle = gv.agroot(self.handle) # get root graph if ghandle == self.handle: gv.agattr_label( self.handle, self.type, name.encode(self.encoding), value.encode(self.encoding), ) else: gv.agsafeset_label( ghandle, self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding), value.encode(self.encoding), b"", ) def __getitem__(self, name): item = gv.agget(self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding)) if item is None: ah = gv.agattr(self.handle, self.type, name.encode(self.encoding), None) item = gv.agattrdefval(ah) return item.decode(self.encoding) def __delitem__(self, name): gv.agattr(self.handle, self.type, name.encode(self.encoding), b"") def __contains__(self, name): try: self.__getitem__(name) return True except: return False def __len__(self): return len(list(self.__iter__())) def has_key(self, name): return self.__contains__(name) def keys(self): return list(self.__iter__()) def __iter__(self): for k, v in self.iteritems(): yield k def iteritems(self): ah = None while True: try: ah = gv.agnxtattr(self.handle, self.type, ah) yield ( gv.agattrname(ah).decode(self.encoding), gv.agattrdefval(ah).decode(self.encoding), ) except KeyError: # gv.agattrdefval returned KeyError, skip continue except StopIteration: # gv.agnxtattr is done, as are we return class ItemAttribute(Attribute): """Attributes for individual nodes and edges. Assigned on initialization of Node or Edge classes and manipulated through the class data. >>> import pygraphviz as pgv >>> G = pgv.AGraph() >>> G.add_edge("a", "b") >>> n = pgv.Node(G, "a") >>> n.attr["shape"] = "circle" >>> e = pgv.Edge(G, "a", "b") >>> e.attr["color"] = "red" See for a list of all attributes. """ # use for individual item attributes - either a node or an edge # graphs and default node and edge attributes use Attribute def __init__(self, handle, atype): self.handle = handle self.type = atype self.ghandle = gv.agraphof(handle) # get the encoding root_handle = gv.agroot(self.ghandle) # get root graph try: item = gv.agattrdefval(gv.agattr(root_handle, 0, b"charset", None)) self.encoding = item if type(item) is not bytes else item.decode("utf-8") except KeyError: self.encoding = _DEFAULT_ENCODING def __setitem__(self, name, value): if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) default = "\\N" if self.type == 1 and name == "label" else "" gv.agsafeset_label( self.ghandle, self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding), value.encode(self.encoding), default.encode(self.encoding), ) def __getitem__(self, name): val = gv.agget(self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding)) if val is not None: val = val.decode(self.encoding) return val def __delitem__(self, name): gv.agset(self.handle, name.encode(self.encoding), b"") def iteritems(self): ah = None while 1: try: ah = gv.agnxtattr(self.ghandle, self.type, ah) value = gv.agxget(self.handle, ah) try: defval = gv.agattrdefval(ah) # default value if defval == value: continue # don't report default except: # no default, gv.getattrdefval raised error pass # unique value for this edge yield ( gv.agattrname(ah).decode(self.encoding), value.decode(self.encoding), ) except KeyError: # gv.agxget returned KeyError, skip continue except StopIteration: # gv.agnxtattr is done, as are we return def to_dict(self): ah = None attrdict = {} while 1: try: ah = gv.agnxtattr(self.ghandle, self.type, ah) except StopIteration: # gv.agnxtattr is done, as are we break key = gv.agattrname(ah).decode(self.encoding) value = gv.agxget(self.handle, ah).decode(self.encoding) attrdict[key] = value return attrdict