
A simple example to create a graphviz dot file and draw a graph.

plot simple
strict graph "" {
        node [label="\N"];
        1 -- 2;
        1 -- 3;
        2 -- 3;

#    Copyright (C) 2006 by
#    Aric Hagberg <>
#    Dan Schult <>
#    Manos Renieris,
#    Distributed with BSD license.
#    All rights reserved, see LICENSE for details.

__author__ = """Aric Hagberg ("""

import pygraphviz as pgv

A = pgv.AGraph()

A.add_edge(1, 2)
A.add_edge(2, 3)
A.add_edge(1, 3)

print(A.string())  # print to screen
A.write("")  # write to

B = pgv.AGraph("")  # create a new graph from file
B.layout()  # layout with default (neato)
B.draw("simple.png")  # draw png

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